Find the Latest Exchange Rates for any currency:
FXproTec Universal Currency Converter is easy to use - Just input the desired "Amount", select a currency "From" (the currency you have) & "To" (the currency you want) drop-down menus and that's it - the Exchange Rate is shown automatically under "Result"
The FXproTec Universal Currency Converter's data is continuously Updated throughout the day - so you always have a benefit of the latest exchange rates.
The Currency Converter provides rates for All the World's major and exotic currencies that we just could think of.
The Currency Converter is accurate up to the fourth digit after the point (see FAQs for more)

About Us –

We are dedicated to bringing only the best specialty trading education to the public.

Learn about opportunities and risk of trading stock, futures, options and forex.

One of our goals is to educate the public about the markets where fly-by-night types like to operate, like the forex market, for example.

A possibility of high returns coupled with relative ignorance of the general public about trading forex market make the currency trading area very attractive to unscrupulous operators.

The knowledge can make whole lot of difference.

Our message to you – get educated, do not try to rely on luck.

“Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.”
-Zig Ziglar

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“Right on target. I highly recommend this site. After reading material here for an hour I could understand more about how currency trading works than I did after reading forums for several month and taking "promotional" courses from the major forex broker.”
currency trading -R. Thompson