Find the Latest Exchange Rates for any currency:
FXproTec Universal Currency Converter is easy to use - Just input the desired "Amount", select a currency "From" (the currency you have) & "To" (the currency you want) drop-down menus and that's it - the Exchange Rate is shown automatically under "Result"
The FXproTec Universal Currency Converter's data is continuously Updated throughout the day - so you always have a benefit of the latest exchange rates.
The Currency Converter provides rates for All the World's major and exotic currencies that we just could think of.
The Currency Converter is accurate up to the fourth digit after the point (see FAQs for more)

Become a Better Forex Trader


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better forex trader

It is our hope that this site will be useful to the visitors in discovering opportunities of currency trading. While helping them carefully managing risks.

The 10 reasons to join FXproTec and to become a better forex trader:

Reason #1:

Currency trading can be very lucrative or very risky depending on how knowledgeable and disciplined the trader is.

Education is the Key

Reason #2:

Many currency trading courses and seminars are charging thousands of dollars while pressuring the students to buy something dubious like currency trading systems that would guarantee risk-free, exorbitant returns.

Complete Choice of the Free and Premium Forex Trading Self-Study Courses is available here

Reason #3:

Written by the professional traders

Reason #4:

Study at your own pace and ask a question when you need it

Reason #5:

Trying to learn from someone else’s mistakes is always more preferable than learning on your own

Reason #6:

Trading in any leveraged and volatile instrument can be potentially a risky business. That is why risk management is so important for trading currency successfully. You simply cannot afford not to use it. Jump-into-the-water-first-and-learn-to-swim-after approach will likely not work very well in the world of forex trading, as the possibility of losing your pants can become a painful reality in no time.

Learn here how to manage the risks of currency trading

Reason #7:

Learn how technical analysis works in currency trading

Reason #8:

Learn how fundamental analysis works in currency trading

Reason #9:

Learn what specific steps you should take if you were to decide to begin actual currency trading

Reason #10:

Educate yourself how to avoid some common traps that many traders tend to fall into

Even if you are remotely considering trading currency you need to review these courses very closely.

FXproTec Free Forex Trading Education
Universal Currency Converter

Best Forex Trading Book

US Forex Brokers

Recommended Forex Broker


“Right on target. I highly recommend this site. After reading material here for an hour I could understand more about how currency trading works than I did after reading forums for several month and taking "promotional" courses from the major forex broker.”
currency trading -R. Thompson